Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Don't be a sourpuss Mr T.

This is one of the question in Canadian Citizenship Test.

The Question reads "What is the role of the Opposition parties?"
The answer is "To oppose or try to improve government proposals"

That's Canada. Not in this country.

So last week, a controversial 'religious' speaker was barred from entering our state. This was upon request from an MP of the opposition party. Bringing in this man would disrupt the racial harmony in our state. The man in question is a lecturer in the Defense University. Known for his extremism, and racial bias.

This man accused our Chief minister of bowing down to the opposing party.

Quite immature I would say. Opposition party is there to help improving government proposal. if there's Yin. there must be Yang. A good ruling party is the one concern about the people. Same goes with the opposing party, a good one is the one concern about the people. If the opposing party's suggestion is relevant to the state, ruling party should consider their suggestion.

Ruling party and opposition are 2 parties with different ideas. But that doesn't mean that they are enemies. Both parties shouldn't be enemies. Both sides should work together for the betterment of the state.

Mr Chief Minister, good work. Kudos to you, Mr CM. Mr T, don't ever step your foot here. You're not welcomed by ruling or opposing parties in this great state. Insulting our CM, that's low. Sourpuss.

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