Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Easy coconut oil... half DIY

I need some coconut oil. Just a few spoonfuls to add to my homemade leave on conditioner. Yeah, I am quite a cheapskate. Actually, I enjoy making my own beauty products.

I've seen my mother process coconut oil from scratch. Go to the backyard, pluck some old coconut, crack open the shell, grate, squeeze, heat on slow fire.

I can do the plucking, cracking, grating and squeezing, but I am not that keen, especially on the grating part. So I bought coconut cream from the supermarket. Look for one without additives. It's not that fresh but it's a great shortcut.

In this little city, some homes are supplied by town gas which is freaking cheap compared to LPGs in canisters. So instead of using firewood, I just heat the coconut cream on the stove.

Heat the coconut cream on slow fire until the crud browns. The clear liquid is the coconut oil. Easy right?

Coconut cream is quite expensive compared to grated coconut in sundry shops. So a cheaper but easier alternative is to buy grated coconut, mix it with little water and squeeze. You'll get coconut milk. My mother would just heat the coconut milk. This takes longer than coconut cream.

Some would prefer to let the coconut milk sit overnight, and scoop up the scum. That scum is coconut cream.

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