Monday, 22 December 2014

Child birth? Scary?

What is the big deal with child birth? One of my friend told me, her father left her near the sink when she was born. Apparently, her father was 'traumatized' by the sight of child birth. Try to show a picture or video of child birth to children. They would swear never to give birth. I did this accidentally. I was watching a video of water birth, when my little neighbours entered my room. A friend of mine too, swear never to give birth.

I was watching an Indonesian sinetron this afternoon. There, a primigravidarum broke her water. Locked in a room by her enemy. (well, that Indonesian sinetron, enemies sabotaging is a must). Her husband and in laws were nowhere around. The lady's twin sister sensed something wrong. It took them 2 hours to arrive to the house. The pregnant lady, fainted.

Why on earth would somebody leave an almost due pregnant lady alone? And a first born usually take about 12 hours to deliver a baby. That sinetron is too dramatic. Well, it's a sinetron. Their main concern, amniotic fluid aspiration.

Rule of thumb, push only when there's a contraction. It's a natural process, nothing high-tech involved. But why is it a big deal?

Say, a lady is about to give birth. First, ask for help. Ask the pregnancy status. The lie of the baby. Assuming it's normal, well, almost 90% are normal. Then, it's just giving support and ask the mother to be to push when there's a contraction.

I might say, it's not high tech, but bear in mind, delivering a baby is a PAINFUL experience. Painful, tiring but rewarding... or not, depending on how much you want the baby. I can say it's painful because I've seen not less than 30 deliveries, live. Try letting those mothers to hold your hand while pushing out a 3kg baby. It's a vice-like grip.

Once, I assisted a delivery. After 3 hours of painful and tiring ordeal, a healthy 3kg baby boy was safely delivered. The tired mother, smiled and cried out of joy, seeing her precious little baby.

It's funny how people perceive childbirth.

Wouldn't you prefer a stork to deliver your baby, like a courier mail?

p/s once the baby is delivered, don't forget the placenta.

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