Monday, 22 December 2014

Cheap way to improve your home ambience.

Yes, cheap and easy.

First, music. Background music. Try to look for relaxing music you had. Waterfall sound, ocean waves sound, or even a lounge jazz. Hey, boarding music played by airlines works too. You can just find them in YouTube and play.

Next, scent. Not the expensive one. Find a crockpot or slow cooker. Dump all the herbs and spices you have in the kitchen and set to low. Lemon peels works too.

Cheap and easy.

Here's a list of music I played to improve the ambiance


 a foolproof way is use boarding music. They are meant to be relaxing. To reduce the anxiety level of passenger. For a more pleasant flight.

Or natural relaxing sound
Lounge jazz. My personal preference is Paulo Arruda

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