Saturday, 10 January 2015

Education vs Knowledge... (and common sense?)

Educated and Knowledgeable, 2 word which majority use interchangeably. In other words, knowledge and education is the same. Really?

To me education is just a piece of paper. Knowledge is more important. Hence the phrase Knowledge is Power. This phrase is use 'profusely' by one of my public health professor. Data collection to be exact.

Can education guarantee knowledge? Not really. Especially if the education system is a big mess. Exam oriented. Like most Asian education system. In this region, the top student is the one who can memorize the facts. An autistic person can do this too!

Knowledgeable person. These are the rare breed. Some have qualification, some don't. Some think the education system is too fucked up that they just ignore the rigid exam based education. Too bad, one can easily find job with certificate, not knowledge. Certificate is just a piece of paper. Neal Caffrey could forge one if he wants to...

Personally, I think knowledge trump over education. Don't get me wrong. Education is important too, but it doesn't suits all. And education system in this region is not dyslexic friendly, left-hander friendly and too exam based. Little on application.

And the worst part, when the PISA score shows that.... I would rather not mention. The government denied. The minister dismiss the fact that the education system is indeed in a dire need of 'renovation'.

Fortunately, knowledge is easy to find. One just have to work hard finding one. Education is sometimes exclusive to certain group.

Unfortunately, not everybody thinks like this in this region.

Common sense? That's hard to find. It's common but not everybody have it.

There one joke. I can't really recall the exact one but basically it's about a professor and his not so clever son. This professor was lecturing about how education can save lives. They were on a boat in a river. A few moments later, they heard a rumbling sound. It's a waterfall. His son then asked his father "Can your education helps us swim?"

I'm not sure if I recalled it right.

C'est la vie!

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