This morning is my first English class. Our lecturer is Mdm. Q.
The class is fairly easy. It's on the usage of a, an, some, any and the. Easy?
Yes it's easy. However, as easy as it is, there are something new to learn. When to use some and any. It's quite easy to misuse those two words.
Our lecturer also makes the class more interactive. Unlike medical school where everyone is expected to behave. The class is quite unconventional. Everyone works at their own pace.
However, I had problem writing. I got used to typing that writing with a pen is tiring. And yes no spell-check. If only I could just type the assignment given. Editing would be easy. So you can expect my work is quite messy. Crosses and correction everywhere.
It's more than a decade after the millennium, why are we still writing?
Something to add into my general knowledge: One cannot wear blue and green in Ireland. Not sure which one, Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland. Only the Queen (Irish Queen) have the right to wear blue and green in the same outfit. Probably it's in Northern Ireland. Blue and Green? St Patricks! (I need to read more on this.)
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