Yes, I'm brewing a batch of Pineapple Wine.
This afternoon, I bought a big pineapple, 2 kg. It's $5 per kg and I paid $10. Either it's 2 kg or the fruiterer cheated me. He weigh it away from me. Anyway, I'm not surprised. It's enormous.
It's so big that a spider, a centipede and an earthworm dwell in it. Wait! that another story. James and the giant peach. If James is in the giant peach, his son would be in the pineapple.
My 2 kg baby. hairless and red, like newborn babies.
Lunar New Year is coming soon. So this pineapple is for decoration. Ong lai. Just kidding. This is my reserve pineapple.
These are puffballs, hand-picked by pixies from our backyard. I'm just pulling your legs. For those reading this from abroad, this is ladies and gentlemen, a packet of yeast. Yes, our yeast are like balls or discs. This yeast is potent, according to the vendor. There are other flatter, disc shape yeast. (kinda remind me of red blood cells, biconcave).This is more potent than the flatter yeast. The flatter yeast are used in making fermented rice, a delicacy. This yeast is for rice-wine making.
No carboy, no problem. The traditional way to ferment a rice wine is by using an earthenware jar. A big one. My humble glass jar can't compete with them. Instead of using air-lock, I'll just release the pressure periodically. I'm storing my wine under my bed. Bogeyman would get drunk. Too drunk to disturb my beauty sleep.
One source said that one must feed the yeast with sugar. This is my extra brown sugar. Mulatto sugar. The literal translation for this sugar is 'Red Sugar'... My wine is auspicious huh! Red pineapple, red sugar, Well, a pan-tong-la's gonna have to act like both 'tong' and 'la'. Being superstitious and get drunk. (oh my racist remark!, well, I'm not racist because I'm a pan-tong-la)
Cut the pineapples and boil. Cover the pineapple in water. This picture is just for illustration. I actually use a bigger pot. But that pot is so pity looking. It's a shame to show to you readers. So basically, get a large pot, submerge the pineapple chunks and boil. Add sugar.
After that, transfer the water and the chunks of pineapple into the glass jar. Make sure to sterilize the jar with hot water. Yeasts are fussy.
Wait until the pineapple mixture cools down to your body temperature. If you're a vampire or zombie, you might use a thermometer. For mere mortals, just use your hands to feel (dorsum not plantar)
This thermometer is cheap, colourful and fun and amusing. I would stick it on my forehead just to watch the colours changing.
Once it reaches the desired temperature, mix in the yeast. I pound my balls (ouch!) of yeast. Freeze-dried yeast? No thanks, our yeast is tougher.
And this is the evidence that the yeast are alive. It bubbles as soon as I mix the yeast into the jar. Now it's under my bed. You might have monster under your bed, but I have a micro-brewery under my bed.
That's for the first day. And yes, I wish I used regular white sugar instead of red sugar. My wine looks like stout. I envision my wine to be champagne colour, but now, I'll probably get a burgundy or any hue of red. Hopefully it's not black like rum or stout.
Well, if it turn out to be rum-like, I'll just add coconut cream and voila! moonshine pina colada.
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