Monday, 5 January 2015

Mr. Sewing Machine needs a service

Our almost 18 years old sewing machine is getting slower. Only 2 person use this particular cutie. My mother and I. At that age, he can buy his own cigarette.(Yes, I am an occasional sewer... sewer? not that sewer, although sometimes I act like one)

My mother bought it in 1997. It's during that terrible haze. The air pollutant index was sky-rocketing. It's so terrible that air-filter salesman can be an instant millionaire. So terrible that I can only see up to 10 metres away. Imagine Pinatubo, or blizzard. It's a blessing in disguise though, at least for healthy school children. The school shuts down for about a fortnight.

My! I could write an essay about 1997/1998. It's one of the worst year. Drought, Haze, Recession, Hong Kong... Cantonese movies weren't the same as before. Kai Tak closure... I wish I had the chance to fly through the terror of Kai Tak. Mountain at one end, Victoria Harbour at the other end of the runway. A busy single runway airport. In fact the busiest at that time. The legendary landing approach where one have to fly through busy Kowloon to land. Imagine flying through TV antennas. drying bamboo poles and electricity lines. Some even say that they can see flickering tv sets through their window. A challenge to pilots.

Enough with the eventful events, back to our 17 years old sewing machine.

Because of the haze, outdoors activities were not encouraged, one have to stay indoors. So, my mother bought a new electric sewing machine to pass the time. Since then, we sew a lot of home furnishing. Curtains, bed sheets, blankets, pillow shams. Even pyjamas.

For the first few years, only my mother sew using the sewing machine. We children are not allowed to touch her precious sewing machine. Thing changes once I learn how to use one. I started off using a manual or should I say pedal sewing machine. (maybe pedal is a misnomer, all sewing machines have pedals, be it electric or 'manual') It's my father who thought me how to use one.

For now, the sewing machine collects dust when I am away. My mother would only start her sewing project only when I am around. That would explain why Mr. Sewing Machine is sluggish. Putting it to work is like pouring tar out of a bucket. Sticky, sluggish... even the thought of how slow it is makes me lethargic.

Yes, Mr. Sewing Machine would get serviced very soon. (After 17 years... tsk tsk tsk...)

p/s Goodbye Kai Tak and Thank You T.T

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