Wednesday, 28 January 2015

of Orthopaedic surgeon and twitter

Prior to twitter, one can find a lot of # in medical case notes. Especially in an orthopaedic ward or ER.

mid-shaft # of the rt femur... C4 #...

In orthopaedics, # is shorthand for fracture. That's why it's hard for a lay-person to decipher a doctor's writing. Jargon and short-hands... and terrible handwriting.

Imagine an ultra-modern hospital, where all the staffs utilize social media to send referral notes. That would be very efficient (but there would be confidential issue too). One wouldn't need to wait for the attendants to send the notes. Housemen Officers wouldn't complaint that they are underpaid.

Say, a radiologist were to report a fracture to the orthopaedic surgeon via twitter...

# mid-shaft # of the rt femur. If I were the one who invented hashtag, I would patent them and I'll get rich by charging the orthopaedic department for copyright infringement... Cool huh?

So an orthopaedic surgeon who has twitter addiction would see hashtags all the time. Twitter #, case notes #. If only they play tic tac toe... another big hashtag.

(And I was laughing alone when thinking of this, in Marketing class. We were discussing about hashtags and social media)

Well, my first day of marketing class, I present our group discussion on micro environment and macro environment. I'm not sure whether my presentation is good or the lecturer just not in the mood to comment on our presentation.

I would say, my 'oddness' pays itself. I read a book on marketing in college. I took Biology. Reading the marketing textbook for leisure.

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