Monday, 19 January 2015

Flower press

My brother needs a press to preserve some plant specimens. He asked me on how to preserve the specimens. I actually made a flower press albeit a primitive one.

Some of my specimen. It's been in the press for almost 9 years. I couldn't recall when did it press these specimens. But form the newspaper that I use in the press, it's in 2006. Probably, while waiting for university offer letter. Orchid, fern and clover. Irish-New Zealand. Just kidding.

My primitive press, long screws with winged nut and 2 plywood. If I were to make another press, I'll use chopping board. They won't warp. And bigger screws to exert more pressure.

Well, if only I could turn back time. Back to at least at the time I made this primitive contraption I would.

Wait for the Indian Medical school offer letter. It's late by a few days. Not that our local Uni is not good enough, it's just cheapskate.

And to doctors wannabes my advice is to

  1. find a medical school with teaching hospital. More hands on experience. My former school use the government hospital which is a different entity. The doctors working there have little interest in teaching you. Some doctors even consider us 'space occupying lesion' for making the hospital more crowded. So find a Medical school with proper facilities.
  2. find a medical school where students are provided with cadavers. It's a shame for a medical school to not teach anatomy hands on. Ours is so cheap that we learn anatomy using plastic models and the only 'live' specimens are in jars like gherkins. I'm serious. Not all medical school teach anatomy using cadaver. Cheapskate.
  3. find a school where the staffs are matured enough. This is hard. But watching your lecturers quarreling in social media, that's a great shock to me. Calling yourself a professional but argue on petty issues via social media? Not matured.
  4. find a school where racism is not prevalent. In my former school, non-(insert a majority race that you know of) have to wait longer to get a room in the student's residence. While other Uni treat their medical student like their favourite child, our neglects us. What more to say if your of a minority ethnicity. 
  5. find a school in higher ground. I don't understand why our Uni build our faculty in a flood prone area. Which wrecks my car. They won't be responsible, saying that I parked my car outside the school compound. Oh, in the first place, why is it built in a small cramped space. 
  6. find a school which doesn't cut corners, by enrolling 50% more students than the usual. More students, less accommodation, less parking space. 
  7. find a school where the dean/former dean doesn't coerced you to vote for the government. 
  8. find a school where the staffs walk the talk. Like our dear former dean. He taught us on medical ethic but not ethical enough to keep his mouth shut about my PTSD. I got ostracized for a few days because my colleague are afraid of me. Afraid of me getting berserk I reckon. And he is practicing nepotism by letting his son enrolled into the same school. 
  9. find a school where the staffs are helpful and sincere to help.
Now deep in my dark heart/mind, I wish that the dean's car is submerged in the flood. And he'll have to pay a lot of money for his broken ECU.

Hahahaha... evil laugh. Well, I do regret enrolling myself into that cheapskate goddamn godforsaken medical school. 

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