Monday, 12 January 2015

My attempt to Tempe Mendoan

Actually, I wanted to post some Filipino cuisine, a simple one, actually 2. But I was busy cooking 4 dishes at one time, alone. Well, next time I'll show how I cook Tortang Talong and Daing na bangus. Tortang Talong is a Filipino a humble cousin of Spanish tortilla, a very distant cousin to Mexican tortilla which is more famous. Thanks to the American. Daing na bangus is actually complicated. But I leave the hard part to my aunt and my job is to fry it. Yeah, too bad I was busy. Hopefully, my aunt would prepare (debone and marinate) the bangus next time. Maybe a video of how she remove the bones?

Still frustrated of the unavailability of tempeh mendoan the other day, I look for the recipe online.

This recipe (as usual the link to the recipe below) calls for

Bahan yang diperlukan :

•    1 batang tempe , bisa kamu iris – iris menjadi 10 – 15 potong.
•    Tepung terigu dengan kualitas bagus , kira – kira 200 gram saja.
•    Seperempat liter air putih yang sudah masak.
•    Daun bawang sebanyak 2 batang.
•    Minyak goreng .

Bahan Bumbu yang diperlukan ( bumbu ini dihaluskan) :

•    Bawang merah sebanyak 4 siung.
•    Bawang putih sebanyak 4 siung  juga.
•    Ketumbar satu sendok makan .
•    Kemiri 5 butir.
•    Sedikit kencur , kira – kira 1 cm saja.
•    Sedikit kunyit , 1 cm juga . bakar kunyitnya.

Bahan untuk sambal ( sebagai cocolan) :

•    9 cabe jenis rawit , yang segar lebih bagus.
•    5 sendok makan kecap kualitas bagus. Tapi bisa juga pake merek apa saja. Terserah anda saja.

Cara membuat tempe mendoan asli enak :

•    Pertama -  tepung  terigu , bumbu yang dihaluskan tadi , daun bawang campur menjadi satu. Masukan sedikit garam. Dan aduk – aduk sampai rata.
•    Masukan tempe kedalam adonan tepung . pastikan  tempe benar – benar terlumuri adonan tepung.
•    Kemudian goreng tempe yang sudah terbalut adonan tepung . 
•    Setelah matang ( warna terlihat agak kuning kecoklatan) . angkat dan tiriskan.

In English, the recipe calls for;

  • a piece of tempeh. sliced. Not sure how big it is in Indonesia
  • 200 grams of wheat flour
  • 1/4 litre of water (the recipe specifically ask for cool boiled water)
  • Chives
  • and cooking oil for frying
and for the seasoning

  • 4 shallots
  • 4 garlics
  • a tablespoon of coriander seed
  • 5 candle-nuts
  • 1 cm of ginger 
  • and 1 cm of turmeric
The dipping (optional) calls for chillies and soy sauce.

Basically, to make one, mix the seasoning and with sliced tempeh, chives and batter and fry. Easy peasy

But I don't have all the ingredients so I tweaked a little bit.

I use a piece of tempeh, some wheat flour, some cornstarch, shallots and garlic, cold water (a la tempura) and salt. I omitted the other ingredients because I don't have them lying around the kitchen. My mother planted some chives but it's raining outside. Excuses excuses.

This is how a packet/piece of tempeh looks like. A cheap protein source. A cheapskate bodybuilder's best friend. LOL

A kitchen fairy helped me slice the tempeh.

Batter and seasoning. 2 pips garlic and 2 shallots pounded together. Yes, we Asian pound our food. No food processors. That's why our kitchen are noisy. To be honest, our kitchens sounds like somebody committing domestic violence. With all the shouting and pounding. My batter is made by mixing ice cold water, cornstarch and wheat flour. Don't bother asking for the measurement. Just follow your heart. Just kidding. My cute whisk. Very cheap. It's cheaper than a dozen of eggs. Well, that's what we Asians do. finding cheap stuffs. Again just kidding.

Mixing in the sliced tempeh. 

The first batch. Well, if you hate oil very much, blot the oil with kitchen paper towel.

The end product. Notice it's less than what it is supposed to be. Well half of it is already in my stomach.

Well plagiarism is not my thing. Although I don't follow APA format for quotation. I still quote. Here's the original recipe, in Bahasa Indonesia.

Thank you for reading my humble blog and thank you resep kuliner kreatif for the inspiration. Well my bestie also deserve the credit for her verbal explanation on how to make tempeh fritter. 

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