Friday, 9 January 2015

World peace?

I was helping my mother sewing her comforter. No biggie, it's just 2 pieces of cloth and batting. Too bad, it's hard to find a fusible batting or fusible web big enough to fuse the batting with the cloth. That would be perfect. We had to amend a lot of seams to make it perfect. I'll post about it later...

So while sewing, my mother starts to talk about the Paris shooting, blaming the Muslims.


I condone any act of terrorism but don't be to quick to judge. I told my mother, who did a cartoon of the Prophet in the first place. It's not cool. There's been some incident before when media insult the Muslim. Why still do it? So did I say it's the magazine's fault?

The terrorist is also to be blame. I blame the terrorist, not his religion. Why shoot? But again, I'm not the one being insulted. Who am I to judge? But, killing is a sin... or at least morally unacceptable. Why not, instead of shooting innocent people... (by innocent, I meant they are just working there, not the one directly insults the Muslims) tell the magazine to stop. Protest. Isn't Islam is a religion of peace? He's making a bad name of his religion.

My mother is making such statement because in this region, Christian is being oppressed by the majority. I would rather not mention the majority religion, because I know it's not the religion's fault, but the adherent's ignorance. Her point is an eye for an eye. Because of the 'popular word' ban, which I would not want to mention... Blasphemous. That Holy name is too worthy to be in my humble blog. Too worthy.

I must admit, it's not a Christian way to do that. My mother is a mere mortal. Not a saint. But again, don't Christian teaches us to love our enemy... (I don't really agree with the word enemy though, Muslims aren't our enemy. The culprit, Satan). That comment should not come from a Christian's mouth, no matter how we're being oppressed.

Again, talking about religion, why am I typing on Sabbath? Breaking the commandment. Hypocrite?

I'm just too liberal.

In making a peaceful world, everybody must take time to understand each other, without prejudice. We live in the same universe. Why fight?

Again, the incident is just fated to be happened. It's God's willing. Like my bestie would say "Kun faya kun". What's done is done.

Wiser each day. So don't repeat it.

And, ey! Don't shoot me! I'm just expressing my thought on this issue.

*I would like to express my condolence to friend and families involved in the shooting. I know, someone's reading my blog from France. My deepest condolence.

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