Saturday, 31 January 2015

The Husband Dean Koontz

Reading halfway through the novel. A thriller novel. A psycho parents, a psycho elder brother, kidnapped wife, shoot, shoot, kill, kill, die, die...

Hey! It's a good read. Finished 10 chapters, 4 more to go.

Somebody should make a movie out of this novel.

As usual, Matt Bomer should play Mitch. Well that's what I imagined Mitch to look like. (Holly describe her husband as beautiful)... Anson Mount as Anson? Suave, strong, athletic... (Imagining Cullen Bohannon...) After I found out that Anson is a psychopath, not a good choice.

(p/s after doing some research, apparently Odd Thomas is authored by Dean Koontz too. Never watch it though.)

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