My brother and I were passing through a group of protester. A secession movement to be exact. I couldn't not compare my state with Quebec. We have different demography, we have the biggest land mass and secession movement is quite hot here. Disgruntled with how the federal government treats us.
The Prime Minister stills deny that the federal government is being unfair with us. Our infrastructure doesn't reflect the richness of our natural resources. We pay more for cabotage plus the to be implement GST. Well, the tax and cabotage is probably to fund our PM's lavish lifestyle.
The protest is to tell the passerby to help our own people before helping the flood victims from other state. Well, there's truth in there. Doesn't the federal government already suck most of our resources? We've been 'donating' much all this while. We have flood victims too.
Secession movement. There's a lot of such movements around the world, mostly fail. But it changes how the central government treats them. I reckon the Quebecer are treated better than us. Thanks to PQ or BQ. The separatist voiced their dissatisfaction. Not wanting secession, the central government treats them better.
Lose the war but win the battle.
Here, it looks like the central government turn a blind eye. Not much improvement compared to other region. I'm not making stories. It's true. Mr PM stop denying. With the new even headed CM, hopefully things would be better.
For those protester, keep up annoying the government. Maybe it's the only way to make them realize how unfair they treat us.
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