Monday, 12 January 2015

99% vs 1% (Not talking about skimmed milk)

K-pop is a Christian agenda?

Again, another stupid accusation made by a stupid organization masking as a defendant of the majority religion. Again, we are the scapegoat for all the immoral activities in this nation. I'm not surprised if they also blame us Christian on the misfortunes happening to the nation. Just like some dim-witted scumbags who blamed the Christian for the Boxing Day Tsunami, 10 years ago.

A hypocrite. Defending the religion of peace while making statements which potentially could disrupt peace.

As much as I hate those stupid NGO's, I also hate some of us who blame their ignorance, and associate it with their religion. A bit of narrow minded I would say. Blaming their religion wouldn't solve this silly and annoying problem.

1% ignorant religion fanatics vs 99% honest, God abiding people. The media pays attention to the stupid, pesky 1% because it would help them sell their news.

Blaming their religion doesn't represent the majority of the follower. In the end, both are paranoid, prejudice towards each other. Not a good environment for a multi-religious nation. Everybody feels threatened. Adding anxiety to my anxiety. So, it's not a surprise why we have a lot of undiagnosed mental illness. Everybody seems to have it. Just kidding. I hope everyone is healthy mentally, as mental illness is not a joking matter. Really! (us excepted, we are allowed to make fun of ourself)

Don't retaliate. Retaliate makes you less a Christian. "Love thy neighbour", "Love thy enemy", never heard of them? Then stop calling yourself Christian.

In the past Christians do terrorize the world with Auto-da-fe and the Spanish inquisition. The 3Gs... I'm not referring to mobile services. (And 3G is getting out-dated anyway, it's 4G now) The 3G, Gold, Gospel and Glory. Well, if Gold and Glory is with Gospel, it's wrong. Spreading the gospel shouldn't be associated with wealth and fame.

How about the Ku Klax Klan? Those white supremacist. Masking themselves with (of course an ugly mask) Christian morality.

Yes, majority of Christian are ashamed of those atrocities. Some choose to deny... Does it represent the whole followers of Christ? Nope. Would you like it when your religion is associated with terrorism? Nope.

It's the same with our brethren. Instead of retaliating, why not pray for them. Asking God's help to enlighten them, showing them the right way (notice I don't use the phrase "true way" everybody claimed theirs are true) That is more 'Christian' than mocking the other religion. Something that human race lack. Empathy.

Writing this doesn't mean that I like being the scapegoat, being oppressed, being somebody to blame on. being the black sheep. I write this because it's sensible.

By the way, I considered myself 'lapsed' and on the verge of agnostic. Maybe the world would be a better place with out religion. Or without monkeys in the religion. No offense monkeys. Just a figure of speech. If you monkeys can read my blog, then you are civilized enough. Yes, you're civilized than human being.

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