We can't help it, it's in our genes. An hour phone call is nothing strange to us, especially my sister.
Earlier today, I tried out my mother's smartphone. Her utmost reason for owning a smartphone is to WhatsApp her colleague. I never had a smartphone and I haven't use Whatsapp before. But my mother still insist me to teach her how to do it. So I tried Whatsapp my sister who owns a smartphone and is within a Wi-fi area.
I sent her a text, a picture and a video. Just to practice.
A few hours later, she called me. We were talking about blessing in disguise, a phrase first heard from our Filipina aunt.
A few years back, my aunt won a lottery. She bought a car. To her, winning that particular lottery is an answered prayer because they really need a second car. A blessing in disguise. My mother was and still is amused by my aunt. Growing up in a strict Christian family, she said God wouldn't like it if His children gambled.
A blessing in disguise. I said the thing happened to me could be a blessing in disguise. She had her own blessing in disguise story. Apparently, my brother in law application to move to a nearer city in the neighbouring state was denied. He was quite disappointed. Then the oil price drops, and Oil and Gas company starts to retrench their staffs. What is my brother in law starts in the new place and got retrenched later?
Again, my mother is happy that she can Whatsapp her colleague and my sister. She got too exited that she asked for my sister's selfie. Yes, technology. I am still using my old trusty 'not so smart' phone.
If I had one, it would be a video conference between my bestie, who's working in a resort and me. Yes, I miss you. I know you're my loyal reader.
Use your laptop and Skype! I've been waiting forever for you to call me from that platform!