Tuesday, 13 January 2015

To brew or not to brew

The idea of brewing some fruit wine has been brewing in my mind. Literally, I brewed fruit wines in my brain. I wish! Having telekinesis. If only I can turn water into wine like the good Lord.

I'm wondering how does a pineapple wine taste like? I like pina colada. I like pineapple juice. But I'm partial about pineapple itself. They might sting. Fermenting might denature some of the stinging enzyme, bromelain.

I'm thinking of brewing the pineapples with rice wine yeast, as an experiment. Our rice wine yeast could tolerate high percentage of alcohol. So, in my mental list, I would need a plastic translucent jerrycan, cork, plastic tubing, rice wine yeast, brown sugar and of course pineapple.

Before I went out to shop, I did my last check by looking into the supplies list in the internet. While waiting, I read some news online, curious about the progress on PK-AXC. There, on CNN, people died in India and Mozambique due to alcohol poisoning. 69 in Mozambique, 14 in India.

Is it a sign for me to not trying to brew? It's a common practice here make home-brewed rice wine. I never heard of people dying of drinking poisoned rice wine here. Rice wine making is a serious business here. Everything must be sterile. There's a list of do's and don'ts.

Hmmm... should I?

1 comment:

  1. Mail me a bottle if it's a success! Pineapple liquor sounds so yummy.
