Saturday, 24 January 2015

Why can't I comment on my own blog?

The frustration of not able to reply my bestie's comment.

Anyway, I'll start my business studies this Monday. My first class is English. I hope it's easy. See, I'm not a native speaker. I am still learning English. Yes I get good result. It's even better than my national language result. Something I noticed while glancing through my school certificate.

Yes, I could say I have little problem with English classes, but who knows. In my Uni days, it's compulsory to attend English classes. Those with better University Entrance English Test skipped a class. But the class I attended is hell. It's on quoting, referencing and paraphrasing. It's not hard because of the language, it's hard because of the rigid formats.

So, Monday's class is English. Something that I think is easy, but also something that could be hard. And I'm concern about my spelling. Well, one can use spell-check while blogging, but not in English class.

1 comment:

  1. Business studies? Yay!

    And the crazy talk about our little clique running a weird mix of country-slash-dance club might just come true. Horseback riding (Watch them apples!) and golf during the day, then DJs and parties at night.

    Count me in! :P
